Design a Robot Project

Project Based Integrated Learning Task

Engaging hands on task that includes both guided and open task options to support learners to apply and extend their learning.



This task is designed to integrate learning across a number of curriculum areas. It is for learners to apply their skills, knowledge, and learning in a real-world situation. For most effective use it is recommended that a strong emphasis on learner agency is developed and supported amongst learners.

Two versions of the task are provided for use. The google doc is fully editable so you can make adjustments if required for your learners.  Purchase is for ONE teacher/parent for use with ONE class/home.

Guided task
This version scaffolds the task by breaking it down into guiding questions and clear opportunities to apply learning. The aim of the guided task is to support learners while still providing the opportunity for individual choices, input, and creativity.

Open task
This version is a simple one-pager that sets out the task and the main expectations. The aim of the open task is to allow learners control over how they complete the task including the skills, knowledge, tools, and resources they will use.

Learners will

  • learn about robots
  • – plan their robot including purpose, features, controls, commands, 
  • – design their robot
  • – create a model of their robot (if desired)
  • – more learning ideas

Teacher notes provided included ideas for use ranging from teacher led to teacher guided to independent.

This task could be used on its own or as part of a larger learning setup where it is one of several tasks learners can choose from.

We are all about flexibility here at freedom ed so sure you can buy this resource on it’s own however to get the most out of this task we recommend engaging in our comprehensive Ditch the Tumble learner agency course which supports teachers to develop the necessary skills to help learners thrive in their learning choices and self management.  This and ALL our project based tasks are included in the course/membership.

**Members be sure you are logged in as this resource is FREE for you to download**